Deep In Japan

SHUGENDO with Dr. Caleb Carter



In this episode, we speak with Dr. Caleb Carter about his book, A Path into the Mountains: Shugendō and Mount Togakushi. Caleb's chapter breakdown on TwitterA Path's publisher’s pageCaleb's New Books Network podcast interview Caleb's Interview with Global Buddhistdoor Pilgrims Until We Die Retro Casio Denshijisho CommercialsDogen on YouTube Master Dogen (wiki) The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Centre) (wiki) The sanshin shamisen (wiki) Shugendo (wiki)Shamisen Hunter (musical outro) The Deep in Japan Podcast is completely independent and crowd-funded, so if you like what you hear, please give a thought to supporting us. Got something to say? You can reach me at the always, thanks for listening!Support the show