Elite Expert Insider

Writing A Best Selling Book with Linda F. Barrett



Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson co-owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Linda F. Barrett about how she came to write her new book "Circle To Paris." What You’ll Learn in this Episode: How to do research for your book. How to write a sequel to your first book. How to write character development. Quotes: "Our house is almost 400 years old, and of course, we know the stories of the people that lived here and the, the ups and downs, the wars, the plagues, the fires. And so, I had this in my mind that I wanted to bring some of these characters to life in a short novel." (1:52) "The moral of the story that I wanted to get across, intertwined with real history is that no matter who you are, whatever disappointments you're facing, people have gone down that road for you and don't give up." (6:55) Almost anyone, you know, with basic writing skills can write a book. It's just a matter of, discipline, write every day.I wrote it in a, in just a matter of months. Almost anyone, you know, with basic writing skil