Auto Retail Live

Auto Retail Live 13 October 2022: New Brand Entrants



The UK market is set to see an influx of new brands from China, all of which have significant aspirations, new ideas and exciting new products. Starting with a clean slate, these brands are well resourced and have the opportunity to disrupt the traditional route to market, both through the vehicles they export and the retail model they adopt. Watch our Auto Retail Live webinar on catch-up, when we will discuss what these brands have to offer retailers, how and when they’re likely to come to the UK and how the market could change with an increasing number of manufacturers. Joining us on the panel are William Brown, managing director of IM Group, Chee-Kiang Lim, China managing director of Urban Science and Ian Plummer, commercial director of Auto Trader. They will share their knowledge and experience about the new Chinese brands and will be available to answer your questions online. Key topics for discussion include: Which brands are coming to the UK and when What retail models will the new entrants adopt a