Father Snort

We Are One With Jesus, and Jesus Is With Us - Audio



Brad Sullivan Proper 11, Year A July 23, 2017 Emmanuel, Houston Genesis 28:10-19a Romans 8:12-25 Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 We Are One With Jesus, and Jesus Is With Us I had a wonderful week last week at Camp Allen. Kristin and I, along with Machel Delange and Caroline San Martin were the camp directors for a session of summer camp for 3rd and 4th graders, and our theme was Star Wars based, “I am one with Jesus, and Jesus is with me,” that line taken and modified from a prayer that a character prayed in the most recent Star Wars movie, substituting “The Force” for Jesus. We showed clips from the Star Wars movies and talked with the kids about trusting in Jesus and following in his way, like Jedi trusted in the Force and followed the path of the light. We hiked, we swam, we comforted homesick kiddos, and we supported the teenagers and young adults who were counselors and staff members of the camp. The kids gave these gr