Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

5 Reasons to go Gluten Free with Thyroid Problems



Should you go gluten free if you have a thyroid problem? My answer is probably and, in this video, I lay out 5 reasons as to why I think most thyroid patients should consider it. Going gluten free is almost always a good idea if you have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or Graves’ disease because these are autoimmune diseases. And we know from many clinical studies as well as patient reports that thyroid patients with these conditions often benefit tremendously from going gluten free. But what about other thyroid patients? What about thyroid patients who have hypothyroidism but not from Hashimoto’s? Should these patients still go gluten free? My answer is yes for these 5 reasons: #1. 70 to 90% of patients with hypothyroidism do indeed have Hashimto’s thyroiditis. #2. Going gluten free limits your diet and may help you keep your dietary goals. #3. There’s nothing to lose by going gluten free for 90 days. #4. Many thyroid patients report feeling better on a gluten free diet. #5. Going gluten free usually