Ham Radio 360

Ham Radio 360: Fox Hunting (Transmitter & Bunnies too)



Larry Jacobs, WA7ZBO, is my guest this time on the Ham Radio 360 Podcast.  Larry is a long time Transmitter Hunter who offered to help me understand what is involved in Fox Hunting aka Bunny Hunting. From the premise of the hunt to the gear involved- the in's and out's and best practices, Larry shares his experiences of almost 50 years! in a show 'first' Larry produced this Bonus Video to help further describe the equipment and theory of use mentioned in this episode! (links and further mentions listed below) Bonus Video! Book: Worlds Best Hobby-Dave Bell SoCal Transmitter Hunting ARDF  Homing In.com PiCon from Byonics Book: Transmitter Hunting- J.D. Moell Tape Measure Yagi- KB9VBR CCARS Instructables OSCAR-6 Arrow 4 MHz. Offset Fox Hunt Attenuator SDR-Direction Finding VK3YNG Sniffer 4 ______ TMR Scouting Special Event: Will be operating an anniversary celebration station, W2T, to commemorate the 90th anniversary of Ten Mile River Scout Reservation (known as TMR in the Scouting world) in