Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP390 Got Your 6 with Jared Raman



Our guest today is Jared Raman. Jared is the owner of "Got Your 6" - a mobile app designed to assist gun owners with organizing with like-minded people in their community to help push back on tyranny in all of its forms. Jared has been a 2A lobbyist/activist in the state of Nevada and created the Got Your 6 company when the Nevada State legislature passed the Red Flag Law in 2019 (Assembly Bill 291). Got Your 6 is unapologetically pro-civilian and unapologetically pro-2A. 1) Bringing people together is how we get things done! The anti-rights side definitely understands this concept, and it is encouraging to see someone who values our Individual Liberties working to use collaboration to our advantage. How does the app work? 2) What hurdles have you and your company overcome? 3) Who uses this app and who needs this app, but isn’t yet using it? Give us some examples of how ordinary people, like you and me, have used the Got Your 6 App? Gain lists of trusted 2nd Amendment attorneys throughout the country, a nati