Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

Vengeance On The Road



Vengeance On The Road. Recently a trucker took out his own vengeance on a trucking company. A driver started burning semi trucks that belonged to Swift transportation. In all, 25 semi trucks were torched. Im not sure what this 64 year old trucker was thinking but he was on a roll. You would think that there was cameras watching. Sometimes a criminal is beyond thinking. Tune in to this weeks podcast and hear how this irate truck driver was caught. AB5 uses a test called "the ABC" test (A) The work is done without the direction and control of the employer (B) The work is performed outside the usual course of the employers business (C)The work is done by someone who hastier own, independent business or trade doing that kind of work These three factors, decide whether a person is an employee or an independent contractor. The "B" portion of the test is where most employers are in violation of the AB5 or the Pro-act proposal. Tune in and hear the end result on this weeks episode. Drivewyze al