Entrepreneur Junkie Movement With Jamie Atkinson

Don’t Fall Into The Comparison Trap



Quotes From Episode  “Things can go against you and things can be taken away, but one thing that can’t be taken away from you is skills” -Jamie Atkinson Don’t Miss: 1:51 The “how” and “why” of not falling in to the comparison trap Connect With Us  Make sure to subscribe to the show, we release a new episode every Tuesday at 9am EST.  Subscribe to the Changemakers Calendar (and get a sneak preview of upcoming episodes and events) http://www.changemakersmovement.com/calendar (>>> Subscribe to The Changemakers Calendar) Want to join our Podcasting Family?  https://www.facebook.com/groups/podcasting101group/ (>>> Join The Changemakers Family (In Our Private Facebook Group)) Follow Jamie on Instagram (We LOVE When you Slide Into our DM’s)  https://www.instagram.com/jamieatkinson/ (>>> Follow Jamie on Instagram @jamieatkinson) Wanna launch your own successful podcast? We got you…  https://www.12monthsofcontent.com/podcastprofitplaybook/ (>>> Grab Our 30-Point Podcast Launch Checklist For FREE) Join Our #1 Favorite