Entrepreneur Junkie Movement With Jamie Atkinson

The Ultimate Actionable Guide To Hiring Your Remote Team



Quotes From Episode  “Hire for the energy, the personality, the vibe.. Do not hire specifically for the job.. Hire the person that fits in well” - Gina   Don’t Miss: 3:13 - Gina reveals what we preach on all of our programs 5:35 - Meet our Amazing Team 7.00 - Find out where to find affordable Virtual Assistants 11:04 - Discover the secret in hiring the perfect team member 16:30 - Gina’s biggest tips when hiring & interviewing someone 19:10 - Gina shares behind the scenes on how we run our business. 25:06 - Managing a team member   Links Mentioned in Episode  https://www.onlinejobs.ph/ (>>>My absolute favorite site where to find affordable team member) https://uplevelsolutions.com/ (>>>Agency with well trained proven experienced VA’s )   Connect With Us  Make sure to subscribe to the show, we release a new episode every Tuesday at 9am EST.  Subscribe to the Changemakers Calendar (and get a sneak preview of upcoming episodes and events) http://www.changemakersmovement.com/calendar%22%20%5Ct%20%22_blank (>>> Sub