

EJM 45 - The Secret to Killer Group Engagement in Less than 15 Minutes a Day WIth Chantelle Turner   On this 3-Part Interview, we are joined by our guest, Chantelle Turner. Chantelle is the founder of the Stronger Mommy movement, which is basically a group where she empowers and helps special need parents. She is also a speaker from one of Russell Brunson’s Speaker Teams.  On this episode, Chantelle will talk about the secrets to killer group engagement to in your target audiences. We will discuss how we can balance our time and engagement to our Facebook Group, why we will do short videos during our engagement and Chantelle’s top secret to highly engage your target audiences to your Facebook group. You can find this interview, and many more, by subscribing to the ( Entrepreneur Junkie Movement Podcast on iTunes.) If you don’t use iTunes, you can (listen to every epis