Entrepreneur Junkie Movement With Jamie Atkinson

EJM 43: Facebook Group's Are THE Secret to Building Trust With Chantelle Paige Turner



EJM 43: Why a Facebook Group Is The Secret To Trust With Chantelle Paige Turner   On this 3-Part Interview, we are joined by our guest, Chantelle Turner. Chantelle is the founder of the Stronger Mommy movement, a group where she empowers and helps special need parents. She is also a speaker from one of Russell Brunson’s Speaker Teams.  This episode, Chantelle will talk about how she started making her own Facebook group from zero to over 2,700 members with a 80%+ engagement rate. She will also discuss how she builds momentum to her Facebook Community and the 2 big things that you need to know to have a higher engagement of people in your Facebook Group. You can find this interview, and many more, by subscribing to the https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/entrepreneur-junkie-movement-with-jamie-atkinson/id1456194303 ( Entrepreneur Junkie Movement Podcast on iTunes.) If you don’t use iTunes, you can https://www.entrepreneurjunkie.co/home (listen to every episode by clicking here). Make sure to head to ht