Lars Og Pål

Episode 119 Evolusjon vs transhumanisme



«I would only urge that in considering these deep issues of educability we keep our perspective broad and remember that the human race has a biological past from which we can read lessons for the culture of the present. We cannot adapt to everything, and in designing a way to the future we would do well to examine again what we are and what our limits are. Such a course does not mean opposition to change but, rather, using man's natural modes of adapting to render change both as intelligent and as stable as possible.» Jerome Bruner, 1972   “In order to decide whether we want to modify some feature of a system, it is helpful to consider why the system has that feature in the first place.” Nick Bostrom et al, 2021   “Knowing how genetic and cultural evolution over millennia shaped us helps explain today's human predicament, how hard that predicament is to deal with, and underlines how abnormal human life is in the twenty-first century. [...] We believe it is only by examining what is known of physically modern