Understanding Christianity

The LAW-GOSPEL Distinction in Reformed Theology



Reformed Baptists understand the distinction between Law and Gospel. Are terms like "absolute surrender" "total yielding" or "supremely treasuring" actually part of saving faith (sola fide?) Or are they extra requirements added on faith alone that modern evangelicals have used to combat "easy believism" Dr. Sean Cole interacts with two prominent and godly preachers who confuse Law and Gospel: John MacArthur and John Piper Understanding the distinction between Law and Gospel helps us in so many ways: 1) We can rightly understand the totality of the Bible and see where Law is required, and the Gospel is promised 2) It helps us understand the nature of saving faith and repentance 3) It keeps the distinction between justification and sanctification 4) It helps us in our preaching and evangelism to call people to trust in Christ instead of adding extra requirements like absolute surrender, unconditional yielding, or supreme treasuring. Helpful books on this topic: John Colquhoun: A Treatise on the Law a