Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 421: Why Do Some Think That Simchas Torah Must Include Getting Drunk, and What To Do About It?



• Chassidus Applied to Post Tishrei        o What is special about this time as we transition from the holiday season into the regular year? 03:00      o How do we draw energy into our daily routines from the renewal of Rosh Hashana, the sanctity of Yom Kippur and the joy of Sukkos? 05:00     o What practical things can we do to tap into this energy? 10:14     o What does it mean that after the Tishrei holidays we need to “unpack the bundles”? 13:33     o What are some of the second chances given to those who didn’t maximize the full energy of, or participate completely in, the Tishrei holidays? 14:14    o What happens after Simchas Torah? Is the dancing itself the container for blessings, or is there something additional I must do? 18:34   o Why do we only dance with the Torah on Simchas Torah and not every time we take out the Torah to read from it? 24:41 • Chassid