Pocketnow Weekly Podcast

Project Ara, Pixel 4 and neither the twain shall meet | #PNWeekly 345



Apple's laying off the hardware, but laying on content publishers hard to join its future single-stream subscription hubs and they don't like how much Cupertino wants. All the while, people are happy to spend more on apps. Plus, the truth on a Project Ara revival and Google's Pixel 4 and some 5G marketing inflation from AT&T. It’s all ahead on the Pocketnow Weekly! Watch our YouTube companion video recorded at 9pm Eastern on Feburary 14 or check out the high-quality audio version right here or through https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/pocketnow-weekly-podcast/id543949427?mt=2 (Apple), https://play.google.com/music/m/Igm4dcyy4snyabezpiozzqgubgy?t=Pocketnow_Weekly_Podcast (Google), https://open.spotify.com/show/24ZHsAaGRsqhTI95xxBw78 (Spotify), our https://feed.pippa.io/public/shows/5a6229bdd1a9c2d8128140d7 (RSS) and wherever you get your podcasts. Talk back live while you’re watching the show on Twitter with #PNWeekly and shoot feedback to the hosts at podcast@pocketnow