Pocketnow Weekly Podcast

Apple rots | #PNWeekly 339



There must be a sense of defeat permeating through Cupertino this week, nevermind this season. Even as we've seen the headwinds blow against Apple, it didn't seem possible that this corporation on a rocket to the moon could be stopped from constant growth. Well, perhaps it needs a break this winter. Or maybe it'll break down? Is this losing quarter just a sign of that the innovation engine is sputtering at the spaceship? We take on that discussion plus a tonnage of leaks from Nokia, Xiaomi, Samsung and the best and worst trends to happen to a smartphone in 2019! Isa Rodruiguez of GadgetMatch joins us for this episode of the Pocketnow Weekly! Watch the YouTube video posted at 2:00pm Eastern on January 4th or check out the high-quality audio version right here or through https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/pocketnow-weekly-podcast/id543949427?mt=2 (Apple), https://play.google.com/music/m/Igm4dcyy4snyabezpiozzqgubgy?t=Pocketnow_Weekly_Podcast (Google), https://open.spotify.com/show/24ZHsAaGRsqhTI95xxBw78 (Spotif