Pocketnow Weekly Podcast

Let's talk about 5G... again... | #PNWeekly 335



Mahalo from the Qualcomm Snapdragon Tech Summit — where 5G is abundant in the air. Well, most of that is just people talking about it. The chipmaker has a few new chips for the new age of connectivity, but there's plenty of molehills and letdowns to ply through. Joshua, Jaime and Android Authority's David Imel chat Snapdragon on the Pocketnow Weekly! Watch our video recorded 11:00pm Eastern on December 6th or check out the combined high-quality audio version right here or through https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/pocketnow-weekly-podcast/id543949427?mt=2 (Apple), https://play.google.com/music/m/Igm4dcyy4snyabezpiozzqgubgy?t=Pocketnow_Weekly_Podcast (Google), our https://feed.pippa.io/public/shows/5a6229bdd1a9c2d8128140d7 (RSS) and wherever you get your podcasts. Shoot feedback to the hosts at podcast@pocketnow.com! Hostshttps://twitter.com/jvtechtea (Joshua Vergara) Guestshttps://twitter.com/jaime_rivera (Jaime Rivera) https://twitter.com/durvidimel (David Imel) (https://androidauthority.com (Android Au