Pocketnow Weekly Podcast

Pocketnow Weekly 315: Note 9, Unbreakable



The Galaxy Note 9 has a hard road ahead of it. It has to make up ground in sales from the Galaxy S9 and it’ll have to do so with few visceral upgrades. So, what can Samsung do to prop up the biggest chance it has against the iPhone? Put Fortnite on it. The world’s most popular MMO is coming to Android and it looks set to debut on a phablet. We’ll dig into a couple of follow-up stories on the MacBook Pro and BlackBerry KEY2 plus hit on the bitter pill for everyone in technology that is the tariffs tussle between the United States and China. How much will your next upgrade cost you? Will you be able to afford it? Plenty of questions to answer. We’ve got a bunch of tech rascals to give our best shot at answering them. It’s the Pocketnow Weekly! Watch the YouTube live broadcast from 2:00pm Eastern on July 27th or check out the high-quality audio version right here. Talk back live while you’re watching the show on Twitter with #PNWeekly! You can shoot your listener emails to podcast@pocket