Impactbank: The Kickass Koach

377 - Crisis Driven WellBeing



What is the best design for the 21st Century workplace? Who is equipped to answer this? NOT THE OLD GUARD, I submit.  Who will take on the challenge an iterate and innovate us into a new workplace that recognizes the importance of valuing every voice in the interest of expanding engagement, collaboration and contribution? We seem to be arguing about in-office, remote or hybrid BUT the real innovation looks past this limiting thinking, if you ask me? I joined the workforce, for real, in the wild 80"s and was shocked at how it was still modelled on a military hierarchical model with org charts and command and control at its heart. HOW HAVE WE NOT MOVED COMPLETELY AWAY FROM THIS? Let's innovate for greater well-being and performance! How well do you know yourself? Are you rooted in compassion and are you able to put space and time to work to expand your feeling of wellbeing.  Self awareness is a core competency in leadership. With deeper self-awareness compassion, empathy, and ultimately meaningful success i