Nighthawks' Podcast

Episode 50: Misery and Phantom of the Opera (1925) (Monstoberfest Returns: Creepy Fans)



Two years ago, this podcast took a monstrous turn.We are, of course, being cheeky. In October of 2015 the Nighthawks were actually kind of finding a stride, and in quick succession they launched their October Halloween programming. The original Monstoberfest remains among the Nighthawk's favorite episodes, and are often called back to.So, why not bring back a good thing? Every good horror property needs a sequel, right?! Dare we say, "franchise?"Monstoberfest Returns.In any event, we're bobbing for another bite at the Halloween apple this year, and we're kicking it off in a big way.History is riddled with examples of toxic fan culture, and sadly it's an issue that we, as a society, have just begun to discuss. While the Nighthawks are putting a bookmark in that slot, for a more in-depth look at actual fan culture, they thought they'd take a stab at the artistic side.1925's Phantom of the Opera is a seminal film that would help set the stage for genre films throughout history. An early silent effort, this ad