Freedom From Addiction

Mark Hayden, MD discusses GI-T cell Covid immunity



Dr. Mark Hayden, MD discusses the benefit of gastrointestinal T cell immunity versus the mRNA gene therapy vax. What are T cells? T cells are key players in the adaptive immune system. When the body is invaded by a foreign substance like a virus or bacteria, the immune system rallies one of its earliest lines of defense, helper T cells. Helper T cells may call on their allies to kickstart antibody production to support the fight against the disease. Helper T cells also alert other types of T cells to the presence of foreign invaders to be targeted and destroyed. After the body has fought off an infection or disease, a small number of T cells remain in the blood. They are called memory T cells and their job is to remember how to ward off these invaders if they ever return. What is T-Detect COVID? T-Detect COVID is the first T cell test for COVID-19 available in the U.S. to those over age 18. It measures T cells instead of antibodies to detect recent or past SARS-CoV-2 infection (the virus that causes CO