Into The Wild

Living with Wolves with Hanna Petterson



When we talk of a wolf, a number of things could come to mind. Maybe a folklore store? A character in a childhood film? An image of a woodland with a huge moon in the background? Or I'd imagine, for most of this audience, we think of an animal of great importance, both culturally & environmentally. A lost animal in the UK & throughout Europe, but one that is also coming back, to Europe that is. Yet, do we consider how difficult or easy this can be? To bring back the wolf? What has to be done or considered & who has to be spoken to? Well one person that has spent a long time working that out is conservation social scientist Hanna Petterson & Hanna joins me on this show to have this very chat with me. To book a free ticket to watch Into The Wild's Beyond The Trigger on Thursday 20th October LIVE on YouTube, Click Here To buy a copy of London Wildlife Trust's new book, London in the Wild, Click Here If you'd like to keep up to date with Hanna then you can do so on social media at @HannaP3TT To fo