Sermons By Ed

Hebrews: Legacies of Faith



Study Notes Ed Underwood Hebrews Selected Legacies of Faith!  (Hebrews 11:32-40) “The world was not worthy of them” (Hebrews 11:38) The key Greek term hypomone, endurance (10:36; 12:1, 3), which occurs nowhere else in Hebrews, brackets Hebrews 11. The Greek word pistis, faith, occurs 24 times in chapter 11, begins and ends the chapter. The refrain “by faith” emphatically teaches Christians that faith in God is essential if we want to endure in our service to Christ. After celebrating the character of faith in chapter 11, the writer invites the reader to the endurance that secures the reward our redeemed heart desires (12:1-13, see also10:34-39). First Century Jews viewed history as the story of the God of Israel working through the heroes of the Old Testament to move His plan forward. Now the writer tells them why these heroes were great. It wasn’t their ancestry or their performance. Behind every act that God commends is a heart of faith. It’s a list that would surprise and maybe even embarrass these Jewish