Risen Church Nc

His Body: Love First - 1 Corinthians 8



1 Corinthians 8 brings us a word on a topic that is more relevant than ever: The rights we possess and can practice as individual people vs the righteousness we possess and should practice as Christians belonging to the Body of Christ. What we may think is a cut-and-dry issue turns out to be much more nuanced as we realize that knowledge and right beliefs don't impress God nor earn His approval. God is actually impressed by and only recognizes us as His own when we move in righteousness, loving one another as Jesus would do. Paul goes as far to tell us that even if we are in the right, if we treat someone the wrong way - no matter how right we are, *WE* are the ones charged with sin before God. In this message, we talk about how our rights and our liberty often clash with what is the righteous and loving thing to do. We break down what's really at stake when interacting with people who are clearly at a vulnerable, weak place in their faith/unbelief. Finally, we hear Paul's radical approach to navigating t