Dear Prudence | Advice On Relationships, Sex, Work, Family, And Life

Dear Prudence: The "Always An Excuse" Edition



Prudence is joined this week by author and activist, Ebony Adams. Adams is the co-host of the podcast, Feminist Frequency Radio, along with Anita Sarkeesian and Carolyn Petit. She is also the co-author of the recently published History vs Women: The Defiant Lives That They Don’t Want You To Know.  Together they dig into letters about how to handle a missed anniversary by your perpetually tardy boyfriend, what to consider about allowing your teenage daughter’s boyfriend to move in, how to handle a stepdad who raised you, but now doesn’t want to know you, how to handle parents who you know will be disappointed with your “coming out” conversation, what to do about your boyfriend’s newfound group of young and attractive admirers. Slate Plus members will hear Prudie and Ebony tackle letters about what to do you when your husband’s sleep schedule doesn’t allow for “sexy time”, and how to handle a professor who keeps triggering you by suggesting exercise. Not yet a member? Sign up at Email: prud