
Women in a Changing MENA Region: The Gender Findings of Arab Barometer 2022



Dr. Sahar Khamis discusses the gender findings of the "Arab Barometer" 2022 survey in her program "The Bridge" with her guests: Ms. Salma Al-Shami and Dr. MaryClare Roche Ms. Salma Al-Shami is the director of research at Arab Barometer. She has more than 10 years of experience designing and conducting mixed-method research projects throughout the region on diverse topics including education and knowledge-based economies, socioeconomic inequality, migration and displacement, and civil society development. Prior to joining the Arab Barometer, she served as the chief data analyst on a study of Iraqi IDPs' access to durable solutions, a collaborative project between the International Organization for Migration and the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies at Georgetown University, where she is a non-resident visiting scholar. She also serves as an adjunct lecturer in Georgetown's Global Human Development Program and as a consultant for the World Bank. Dr. MaryClare Roche is Arab Barometer's Director of Technolo