Going Deep With Aaron Watson

537 Ice Cream Empire Secrets w/ Chad Townsend (Millie’s Ice Cream)



After years as a chef in the fast-paced world of fine dining, Chad Townsend decided it was time for a change. He purchased an expensive Swiss-made food processor that would finely puree frozen foods such as ice cream or sorbet. His wife, Lauren, allowed him to make this purchase under one condition: he had to have it paid off by the end of the summer. What started as a fun summer hustle turned into a 10,000 sq. ft. Ice Cream Manufacturing and Franchising business. Growing his homemade Ice cream Business, he had to put processes in place and hire people he can trust. In this episode, Chad and Aaron discuss what it takes to scale-up food manufacturing, how to find good franchise partners, and their strategy for coming up with new flavors. Chad Townsend’s Challenge; Spend some dollars (buying products) from somebody who lives within 50 miles of your house. Connect with Chad Townsend Linkedin Instagram Website   If you liked this interview, check out our episode with Bill Sarris where we discuss how he turn