Going Deep With Aaron Watson

135 Babs Carryer, Teaches Entrepreneurship Around the World



Babs Carryer teaches entrepreneurship, provides mentorship and coaching to early-stage companies, and writes about entrepreneurship. At the University of Pittsburgh, Babs works for the Innovation Institute, as Director of Education and Outreach. She teaches the Benchtop to Bedside technology commercialization course to clinicians, researchers.Babs is a co-founder and past chapter chair of Women in Bio. She also teaches at Thrill Mill, educating their teams about entrepreneurship and how to build better businesses. She is also President of Carryer Consulting which provides strategic business planning services to technology companies.Babs co-founded LaunchCyte, which currently has five life sciences portfolio companies, including Crystalplex, Immunetrics, Knopp Biosciences, and Reaction Biology.   Bab’s Challenge; Find 3 women in your life (one younger, one the same age, one older) and give them a hug.   Connect with Babs Twitter LinkedIn Website   If you liked this interview, check out episode 67 with Kit Mue