Going Deep With Aaron Watson

100 Brian Fanzo, How to Generate a Great Social Philosophy, LiveStream Effectively, and Get Excited about Snapchat



Brian helps enterprise technology companies utilize new technology such as Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud Computing to be more productive and become more involved in their communities as a social business. He hosts Twitter Hangouts #SbizHour & #CloudTalk & weekly Podcast Host: SMACtalk and iSocialTalks.   His passion for change and people is evident as in every keynote he delivers, covering a range of topics including employee advocacy, social selling, personal branding, and his personal social philosophy which is called #ShowUcare. He recently has been teaching people "digital storytelling with live streaming".   Brian was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pa and the proud dad of 3 girls.   Brian’s Challenge; Wherever you primarily engage on social, create a video with your mobile device about what you do and why you do it.   Connect with Brian Twitter Snapchat     If you liked this interview, check out episode 88 with Sunny Lenarduzzi where we discuss social broadcasting and building an audience