Going Deep With Aaron Watson

84 Todd Tresidder, on Earning Financial Freedom



Todd Tresidder got a B.A. in Economics from University of California at Davis and is a member of the Economics Honors Society and Dean’s List. A serial entrepreneur since childhood, Todd has built many businesses and retiring at age 35 from his position as a Hedge Fund Investment Manager responsible for a 20+ million dollar portfolio.   Through hard work, Todd raised his net worth from less than zero at age 23 to self-made millionaire 12 years later by using the same personal finance and investment strategies taught on his web site. He has been financially independent since age 35 through investing – not marketing – unlike many other financial gurus who made their money through marketing courses and books.   His mission now is to teach personal finance and investing based on real experience.   Todd’s Challenge; Embrace the adventure. Go out and live it.   If you liked this interview, check out episode 65 with James Osborne where we discuss the future of financial services.