Going Deep With Aaron Watson

56 Talking Kickstarter, Thank Yous, and Facing Your Fears



Hitting my Kickstarter goal in 3 days was exhilarating! I want to teach you exactly how I did it and what I learned along the way!   My Kickstarter Page   Two Associated Posts What I Learned from a Successful Kickstarter Campaign The Steps I Took After a Successful Kickstarter Campaign   Book Recommendation Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World by Peter Diamandis   Aaron’s Challenge; Spend 30 minutes away from your phone and think about something that you really want. This can be something that you haven’t told anyone because it may seem a little ridiculous. Acknowledge it, and put together a rough draft of a plan for how you would make it happen.   People to Thank Liam Rosen, TopScore & Skyd Magazine Joe Marmerstein, Kenny Chen Alex Galbraith Art & Denise Chau Squirrel Hill Chiropractic Pitt Ultimate Greeno, who has helped me edit a few episodes of the podcast Dan O'Connor, the very first backer Tyler Kunsa StartNow Pittsburgh Jimmy Leppert, UpCall Ultimate Dan Tremblay Larry Gi