Going Deep With Aaron Watson

25 Evan Lepler, The Voice of Ultimate & the AUDL



Evan Lepler is the AUDL’s lead play-by-play announcer for ESPN3. He also calls games for USA Ultimate’s Triple Crown Tour and College Championships. His goal is to introduce more casual sports fans to ultimate, and getting league games broadcast on ESPN3 is a good first step.   Lepler stumbled into ultimate in his first year at Wake Forest University. In his first week on campus, he spotted a flyer for ultimate in his dorm and headed to the quad to check it. He played barefoot for hours and was hooked. The summer between freshman and sophomore year he threw for one or two hours a day, and eventually captained the men’s squad at Wake Forest for two years.   Evan wanted to be a sports broadcaster since he was 8 or 9 years old, so after graduation, he decided not to get involved in the ultimate club scene, which would require practices on nights and weekends, in favor of working his way up the broadcast ladder. For many years, he has covered men’s and women’s college basketball, minor league baseball, an