Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Robert Bigelow, High Strangeness & The Shift (What Do They All Have in Common?) | Trish MacGregor



Trish MacGregor of The Mystical Underground podcast joins Higher Journeys once again to discuss the incredible uptick of “strange” encounters many people are reporting in the last several years. Trish feels this is indicative of a species wide paradigm shift. Could the planet and us be going through a complete about face punctuated and evidenced by paranormal encounters of all kinds? We discuss three fascinating scenarios that Trish and Rob MacGregor document in their latest book: The Shift - Reports from the Mystical Underground, including UFO (and afterlife) buff, billionaire Robert Bigelow. Why did he offer over $1 million in prizes to anyone who could show evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that survival of consciousness (life after death) exists? We also talk about two equally intriguing personal accounts that involve a life altering precognitive dream as well as a child who by all accounts is a reincarnated soul of a boy who died at a very young age. Each is mind twisting and as Trish do