Ccdp Messages




FRIDAY NIGHT SMALL GROUP Q's - BELONG TO LIFE 1. How are you guys doing (Check-in) 2. In the story of Lazzeruss why do you think that Jesus waited to go and help? 3. Can God still love us and allow suffering? 4. Have you ever had a “Lord if only you had been here” moment? Are you comfortable sharing what that was? 5. What does it mean that Jesus is the resurrection and the life? 6. How does the statement “There is no such thing as hopelessness” make you feel? 7. Why are you scared to let Jesus roll the rock away? 8. What are some ways that we can get over the “smell” so that Jesus can call us to life? 9. What is one area of your life right now that Jesus is telling you to “roll the stone away” so that he can bring new life? 10. Would one of you be willing to close us in prayer?