
348: Is cool the opposite of joy?



This episode is inspired by one of Ingrid Fetell Lee's Instagram Stories talking about cool being the opposite of joy. It's a fun chat, a random chat! It will help you reflect on what actions stop you from feeling joy.This is what we spoke about during the episodeBeing cool is taking away all your awkward, quirky parts and stealing so much joy. You don't want to be too loud and have that weird laugh, so you quiet down.When we accept ourselves, we also stop judging others.A joy-filled life is being you. It's being authentic.When you don't accept yourself, are you being present? Are you truly enjoying ANY moment?Judgment can also be the opposite of joy.Presence is a key to joy. Mindful practices can help train your brain to be more present.Step forward with your truth knowing that when you accept yourself, you'll find the right people to surround yourself with. You'll experience more presence and more joy.We would love to hear from you, send us an email to carla@themerrymakersisters.com or emma@themerrymak