Optimal Performance Podcast

402 The immense power of coherent water with Mario Brainovic from Analemma Water



Ready to have your mind blown? The water you're drinking is dead, lifeless and you don't even know it.  Mario Brainovic CEO of Analemma water explains the staggering science and impact of coherent water.  You can get 10% off here - http://coherent-water.com/ Find OPP episodes, discounts on products, learn about my Life Coaching and Performance Coaching work at Seanmccormick.com  EPISODE SPONSORS - BioProtien+ - Boost HGH Naturally - Get $30 off here  Vitality Pro Longevity Supplements - Use OPP In this episode we cover:  •Chaotic versus coherent water •100% money back guarantee •GlycanAge study showed a 1-12 year age reversal with Analemma water consumption •Water as a broadband absorber, receiver and transmitter of energy •Biophotons emitted from plants watered by Analemma water were 50% greater •How coherent water follow the moon cycle •How drinking coherent water brings you into harmony with the earth •Your at-home test to prove how analemma works •Analemma’s vision to bring coherence to all of the water