Note Camp

Finding Opportunities in Crisis with Todd Billings from US Debt Ventures



Scott Carson interviews Todd Billings from US Debt Ventures about the current note and real estate market and where opportunities lie.You can also watch the original video at on the WeCloseNotes YouTube Channel. You can also register for the next Note Camp at's founder, Todd Billings, started out running a small wealth management company, Veriloquent Wealth Advisors. At the request of one of their investors, they began transitioning to the distressed real estate field in 2009. After putting $1 million into USDV and setting up a series of partnerships to purchase distressed real estate, Billings officially launched US Debt Ventures in 2010.USDV currently offers a number of investment products, divided into four main asset classes: residential real estate, commercial real estate (CRE), performing loans, and strategy funds. Until Section III of the JOBS Act has been passed, the company is only targeting accredited investors.