The Sonya Looney Show

Rethinking Competition: What if it wasn't only about beating others



Competition, defining success, and self-esteem are closely linked. At first glance, competition pits us against each other because there can be only one winner, or at work, only one or a few people get a promotion or recognition. Also, the internet exacerbates competition with follower counts, likes, podcast charts, algorithms that celebrate winners. As a professional athlete, I've experienced the elation and celebration of winning a race, and also seen the difference if I finished second or even nowhere near the podium. The problem with linking a "successful" competition solely to the outcome is that it's potentially damaging to connection with others and to one's self-esteem. So, how do we show up for a competition with awareness, get the best out of ourselves without our self-esteem taking a hit, and build connection instead of division? - The Problem with Competition - Competition, Self-Esteem, and Self-Worth - Competition is about mastery - A healthy view of competition