Harvard Divinity School

Illuminations Launch Party



Illuminations is a new limited series from Ministry of Ideas that reveals the untold friendship of religion and science. Through interviews and stories drawn from a range of cultures, faiths, and eras, this series reveals the unknown and unexpected histories of how religion and science have been entangled across time. We hear why the Dalai Lama loves quantum mechanics; why the Mormon faith inspires a search for extraterrestrial life; why the Scientific Revolution was catalyzed by a religious quest to uncover divine craftsmanship. These surprising narratives explode the myth that faith and science are destined to be enemies and reveal how they worked as mutual inspiration. This event took place on October 24, 2022 Learn more: https://hds.harvard.edu/news/public-events-calendar?trumbaEmbed=view%3Devent%26eventid%3D162727621