Under The Arch

S3 Bonus Episode: Getting Out the Vote feat. Kerry Washington



ArchCity Defenders and Action St. Louis present the premiere collaborative podcast, "Under The Arch." Your hosts Blake Strode, Executive Director of ArchCity Defenders, and Kayla Reed, Director of Action St. Louis, explore the issues facing our community and the people working to transform them.The 2022 midterms are quickly approaching and the stakes have never been higher. Join us for a special “election edition” of Under The Arch, where we discuss the ballot in Missouri. We are joined by actress and activist Kerry Washington to discuss the stakes of this upcoming election and why she is working to ensure that we all vote.Join the conversation around this week's episode using #UnderTheArch and send us your feedback at underthearchpod@gmail.com. This week's Music Minute features the song "Good For Us" by The Knuckles. Know a local artist who'd like to feature their song in our Music Minute segment? Email us with the subject "Music Minute”.