The Food Heals Podcast with Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy

295: Debunking Cancer Myths and Treating the Cause of Disease Naturally with Dr. Kevin Conners



Did you know that since the war on cancer was declared by Nixon, cancer rates have increased from 1 in 21 people to 1 in 2.5? Clearly, our modern approach just isn’t working. To make matters worse, now even children are being diagnosed with cancer. It was these insane statistics that spurred Dr. Kevin Conners to open his clinic. He’s been practicing functional medicine since the 80’s (way before it was ever trendy!). And he has a different approach to traditional medicine: he focuses on treating the cause of cancer, rather than the cancer itself.   Cancer is multi-factorial. You can’t point to one single thing and say “this is what caused your cancer”. You can’t even really just point to genetics, because only around 5% of cancers are due to certain genes. Cancer comes from a combination of issues: diet, nutrition, environment, emotions. These are the epigenetic factors involved - these are the things that change the expression of your genes, and will then either trigger or protect you from cancer and other