The Food Heals Podcast with Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy

148: Overcoming Ovarian Failure & Boosting Fertility PLUS We Answer Your Burning Questions



We want to answer some of our listener questions in this episode! Our first question is from Laura, who wants to know which entrepreneurs we follow. Here are some of our top favorites: •    Tim Ferris. We love his books The Four Hour Work Week and The Four Hour Body.   •    We also love Tony Robbins. His podcast is so inspiring. •    Marie Forleo – check out her YouTube channel MarieTV. •    Kris Carr who is all about health and wellness and healed herself from cancer. •    Gabrielle Bernstein. The Universe Has Your Back is a phenomenal book, as is Spirit Junkie. •    Pat Flynn and John Lee Dumas are good podcasters to check out. •    Gary Vaynerchuk is the male version of Allison. •    And of course, you must check out Marianne Williamson. Check out her email workshop Sister Giant. Megan wants to know juicer recommendations? We have to refer you to Joe Cross’s website for the best juicers, he’s the expert. You can also take a look at BlenderBabes for the best blenders – she tests every one to bring you th