The Food Heals Podcast with Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy

119: EOFire's Kate Erickson on Building Systems in Your Business to Create the Life of Your Dreams



Commuting for hours to a job you hate, doing repetitive tasks you are completely bored with, feeling unmotivated, unappreciated, and stuck. Does this sound like you? Sprinting on that hamster wheel, unable to jump off and start living life on your own terms? This is just how Kate Erickson felt. After years working in banking, HR, advertising and marketing, Kate realized she needed to do something different, needed to follow her own dreams. She ditched the corporate job to launch the 7-day-a-week podcast EO Fire with her partner John Lee Dumas (check out our interview with John here). Four years on, it’s a 7-figure business and the podcast generates over 1 million downloads each month! More amazing still, EO Fire makes its resources available so you can see just how to set up a successful online business. Kate is fired up about educating people about entrepreneurship, mindset and how YOU get to choose what your life will look like. Kate is the host of Kate’s Take, EO Fire’s audio blog where you can peak beh