Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP392 The Future of the 2A with Adam Kraut



Our guest today is Adam Kraut. Adam is the Executive Director of the Second Amendment Foundation. He is an attorney who has been practicing law in firearms related matters since the Fall of 2014 and has represented individuals, industry members, and pro-rights organizations in state and federal courts, as well as administrative matters. #1) Congratulations on your new position as Executive Director at Second Amendment Foundation! How this came about? #2) What will this position entail? #3) What challenges and opportunities does the SAF face in the near future? #4) How much does the recent Supreme Court decision in the Bruen v NY State Rifle & Pistol Association factor into those challenges and opportunities? #5) The SAF is one of the most active Pro-2A Organizations that litigates anti-2A laws. For a Member-Based Organization the cost of pressing these suits forward is tremendous. How can people help with the important work you and the SAF are doing?