Shepherd Of The Desert Podcast

November is for Thanksgiving, Week 1 | November 6th, 2022



Often, the first Sunday of November celebrates saints of two different kinds.  First, All Saints' Day offers us the opportunity to reflect on Christians who have received their heavenly reward in the past year.  We say, "Thank you, God!" for your faithfulness to them in this life and their faithfulness which provided an example to many of us.  Second, this Sunday we say thank you to saints of a different kind.  Veteran's Day is Friday, November 11, and we anticipate that national recognition in worship this November 6 weekend.  Technically, a "saint" is simply one who has been "set apart."  As Americans we say, "Thank you, God" for those who have served in our armed forces and shone a beacon of liberty throughout the world during their service.  This is going to be a great weekend.