Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

395 – Can I Be On Both Shopify And Etsy? With Heidi Wicks



Do you wonder whether to use Etsy or Shopify for your handmade business? Guess what? You don't have to choose - you can do both! My guest today shares how she has set up both platforms for her business and is also looking into selling wholesale. Heidi is the owner and designer of all the products offered at Bark Beetle Niceties. She started out with bridal & flower girl accessories and later began making holiday ornaments. These ornaments quickly became her best sellers and it’s now the focus of her business. She also creates kits so that her craftier customers can make their own. Heidi says she’s happiest when thinking creative thoughts and using her hands to make those thoughts into products. And she’s very lucky because this is now her job! Can I Be On Both Shopify & Etsy? How selling on both Shopify and Etsy can work together for handmade business success The advantages of attending wholesale tradeshows How to decide which products to focus on to grow your business Heidi's advice to