Beer Busters

246: Stickman Brews (or Don't Go to Applebee's, Go to Stickman)



So…did you miss us? Sorry for the unanticipated hiatus. Unfortunately, Dan suffered a pretty gnarly injury involving alcohol, golf, and a tree. Thankfully, he’s well on the way to recovery and, after some much needed healing time, we’re ready to get back to it. And who better to remind us how we do this thing than perennial favorite friend-of-the-show Ethan Buckman, proprietor of Stickman Brews, maker of the finest beer in Southeastern Pennsylvania (and possibly beyond). We hear the tale of Dan’s fateful photo op, discuss the Stickman Revolution, have an impromptu Mooey Moment, and catch up with the news at Stickman, including the renovation in Rofo. All this plus Happy Fun Time returns with a game of There’s Weird in My Beer. Do you love Beer Busters? Of course you do! Why not leave us a rating and review on your podcast platform of choice and consider supporting us on Patreon.