Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep 300 - #AskAV: 80 Years Old Advice, Eating Out, Rebounds & Workout Splits



Today I’m very excited to welcome you to EPISODE 300 of the RNT Fitness Radio podcast. I want to start off by saying a massive thank you to all of you who’ve subscribed, left a review, spread the word, shared this podcast with your family, friends and on your stories, and used this podcast as the anchor for your own transformation journey. Next year I want to take the podcast to the next level with production, guests, depth and overall quality of content. A big part of attracting guests, and helping spread the word for the podcast, is reviews. Right now we’re at 101 reviews on Apple Podcasts, and I want to see if we can get this to 125 by the end of the year. The good news is, I was chatting with our supplement partners at Optimum Nutrition, and for the first 25 reviews submitted, Optimum Nutrition have very kindly agreed to send you a free supplement starter pack with the basic essentials you need on your fitness journey. Due to food shipping however, this will be for UK listeners only.  I know this podcast