Team Human

Julie Holland, M.D. "Good Chemistry"



Playing for Team Human today, psychiatrist and author of "Good Chemistry: The Science of Connection, from Soul to Psychedelics," Julie Holland, M.D.Holland explores how people can bring elements of their psychedelic experiences into their everyday lives. She looks at the role compassion plays in the psychedelic experience and how developmental disorders can be aided by these experiences. Further, Rushkoff and Holland look at ways that humans have been polarized into their own personalized silos, and the importance of lifting people out of isolation so they can be more empathetic and better learn about one another.In his monologue, Rushkoff discusses how Twitter's modus operandi of rigid binaries attempts to simplify a world that can't be deduced beyond its lived experience.Good Chemistry by Julie Holland, M.D. is now available:— Support Us —Team Human is made possible thanks to the generous support of our listeners on Patreon.On Patreo